Seniors Real Estate Specialist

Your Trusted Resource for Real Estate Needs in Your Golden Years

As we age, our real estate needs evolve. Whether you’re considering downsizing, relocating, or refinancing, having a specialist who understands these unique requirements is essential. Glen Guadalupe, a Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®), is here to guide you through these life-changing decisions with expertise and compassion.

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Glen Guadalupe’s SRES® Services

Selling Your Home

When it’s time to sell, Glen helps you understand market trends, stages your home to appeal to buyers, and negotiates the best terms to maximize your investment.

Buying a New Home

Looking for a new place that better suits your current lifestyle? Glen assists in finding properties that meet your specific needs, from accessibility features to location preferences.


Relocating can be challenging, but Glen’s comprehensive relocation services ensure a seamless transition. From finding the right community to coordinating the move, Glen is with you every step of the way.

Listing, Marketing, and Sale Optimization

After our initial consultation, I will conduct a detailed assessment of your property. Based on this, I’ll suggest targeted improvements and renovations that are most likely to increase your home’s market value and attract serious offers, ensuring every dollar spent is an investment towards higher returns.

Why Choose Glen Guadalupe, Your SRES® Designated REALTOR®?

Tailored Solutions for Adults 50+

From market trends to economic considerations, Glen understands the factors that impact the real estate decisions of older adults.

Comprehensive Guidance:

Whether you’re selling, buying, relocating, or refinancing, Glen provides the best options and information to help you make informed choices.

Empathetic Support:

Navigating real estate changes can be emotional and complex. Glen is dedicated to offering the support and expertise needed to make the transition smooth and stress-free.

Maximize Your Home SAle Profits with expert advice from Glen Guadalupe.

Reach out today for a free consultation

Contact Glen